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Governance & Decision Making

We're reimagining platform governance to create a system that's both democratic and agile. Contrary to common misconceptions, cooperative governance doesn't mean endless meetings or constant consensus-building. Instead, we're designing clear, efficient decision-making processes that are accountable to members and responsive to their needs.

Our approach balances collective ownership with the agility required in the software world. We plan to embed democratic governance directly into the core user experience, making participation feel natural and even fun. This doesn't mean everyone votes on everything; rather, we're creating a representative system where decision-makers are accountable to users, who can exert direct influence through various feedback mechanisms.

Our goal is to build a resilient, collectively owned platform that can evolve beyond any individual's involvement, while maintaining its core commitment to shared ownership and democratic control. Here's how we're approaching key aspects of governance:

What do members of the Subvert Co-op vote on?

Co-op Members vote on key aspects of Subvert's governance, including:

  • Electing the Subvert Co-op Board of Directors (annually)
  • Major decisions regarding the Subvert Platform
  • Amendments to the Subvert Bylaws
  • Potential sale or dissolution of the Subvert Platform (if necessary)

Additionally, there may be non-binding votes on platform features or other operational matters.

Who makes which decisions?

Decisions at Subvert fall into three main categories:

  1. Operational Decisions: Handled by workers and management
  2. Strategic Decisions: Made by the elected Board of Directors
  3. Fundamental Decisions: Require a vote from all Co-op Members

How does the Subvert Co-op Board of Directors work?

The Board includes representatives from artists, labels, supporters, and workers, elected by Co-op Members. They oversee strategic direction, appoint management, approve major financial decisions, and ensure alignment with cooperative values.

How can Co-op Members influence Subvert?

Members can influence Subvert by:

  • Voting for Board Directors
  • Participating in polls on major decisions
  • Attending Quarterly Town Halls and Annual Meetings
  • Submitting proposals
  • Providing feedback through the platform

How is there accountability in Subvert?

Accountability is built into Subvert through:

  • Regular Board elections
  • Routine polls on fundamental decisions
  • Transparent financial reporting
  • Quarterly Town Halls and Annual Meetings
  • Clear rules on voting, bylaw amendments, and leadership changes

How does transparency work in Subvert?

We enable transparency through:

  • An Ownership Dashboard with real-time platform metrics
  • Regular financial reports for Co-op Members
  • Quarterly Town Halls and Annual Meetings
  • Open communication about strategic decisions and challenges

What if I don't have time to participate in the Subvert Co-op? Can I still be a member?

Of course. You can be a member even with minimal participation. While engagement is encouraged, it's not mandatory. You retain your membership and can choose your level of involvement in decision-making processes.

How does the Subvert Co-op ensure that all members' voices are heard?

We use a combination of democratic voting principles and inclusive mechanisms to ensure diverse voices are heard:

  • "One member, one vote" principle for fundamental decisions
  • Representation of all membership classes (artists, labels, supporters, and workers) on the Board of Directors
  • Open proposal submissions allowing any member to suggest ideas
  • Ownership Assembly that randomly selects members to participate in certain decision-making processes
  • Regular town halls and forums for open discussion
  • Feedback channels built into the platform

Our goal is to create a balanced system that gives every member the opportunity to contribute to Subvert's direction while also recognizing the varying levels of engagement and stake different members may have in the platform.