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Policies and Documents

Subvert Co-op is built on a foundation of transparency, democratic governance, and a clear set of rules that guide how the cooperative operates. These guiding principles are enshrined in key documents that lay the groundwork for both the platform and the co-op’s long-term success. Below, we’ll break down the primary policies and documents that form the backbone of Subvert.

Subvert Co-op’s Bylaws (Drafted)

The Bylaws serve as the constitution of Subvert Co-op, outlining the core rules that govern its operations. Because they address fundamental aspects of how the cooperative functions, they are difficult to change, typically requiring a vote from the entire membership.


Key elements of the Bylaws include:

  • Organizational structure and purpose: How Subvert is structured and what it aims to achieve.
  • Membership qualifications and classes: Who can become a member and the different types of membership.
  • Board of Directors structure and election procedures: How the leadership of the co-op is selected and functions.
  • Voting rights and procedures: How members participate in decisions.
  • High-level financial management principles: How the co-op manages its finances.
  • Amendment procedures: The process for making changes to the Bylaws.

These components are foundational to Subvert’s identity and operation, providing stability and requiring significant member input for any changes.

Subvert Co-op Member Agreement (In Progress)

The Member Agreement complements the Bylaws but is more flexible, covering the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of members in their day-to-day interactions with the cooperative. This document is designed to adapt more easily to changes in the platform or co-op operations, making it easier to keep up with evolving member needs or legal requirements.

Key contents of the Member Agreement:

  • Detailed membership terms and conditions
  • User activity definitions and reward structures
  • Platform usage rules and guidelines
  • Dispute resolution procedures

Unlike the Bylaws, changes to the Member Agreement don’t require a full membership vote, allowing the Board of Directors to update it as needed to keep things running smoothly.

Subvert Platform Privacy Policy (Drafted)

Protecting member and user data is a top priority for Subvert, and the Privacy Policy outlines how the platform collects, uses, shares, and protects personal data.


Key elements of the Privacy Policy:

  • Types of data collected (e.g., personal information, financial data, platform activity)
  • Purposes for collecting and using data
  • How data is shared with third parties
  • Data retention practices
  • User rights regarding their data (e.g., access, correction, deletion)
  • Security measures to protect data
  • Use of cookies and analytics tools
  • How to contact Subvert about privacy concerns

This policy ensures users are informed about their data privacy rights and that Subvert remains compliant with data protection regulations.

Articles of Incorporation (Filed)

The Articles of Incorporation are the founding legal documents that established Subvert Cooperative LCA with the state of Colorado. These documents lay out the basic structure and purpose of the cooperative, as well as initial rules for membership. The Articles also address how artists, labels, and supporters can become members before the formal Bylaws were finalized.

Subvert Platform Terms of Use (Drafted)

The Terms of Use define the rules and guidelines for using Subvert’s platform. This document acts as a contract between the platform and its users, detailing how the platform operates and what is expected from users.


Key elements of the Terms of Use:

  • User eligibility and account creation requirements
  • Acceptable use policies and prohibited activities
  • Content submission and licensing terms
  • Payment terms and refund policies
  • Platform functionality and service limitations
  • Termination and account suspension conditions
  • Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability
  • Dispute resolution and governing law

As the platform evolves, these terms can be updated more frequently than the Bylaws or Member Agreement to reflect new features or legal requirements.

Subvert Development Agreement (Not Drafted)

The Development Agreement is an agreement between Subvert Co-op and Subvert Corporation that governs how the platform’s intellectual property is shared and managed between the two entities. This agreement allows the Co-op to license the platform from the Corporation through a comprehensive arrangement. Additionally, it details how the Corporation contracts the Co-op to build and maintain the platform.

It's important to note that this agreement will only be created when we raise money and implement a dual entity model/ structure.